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Team info

Alexandra Sierra Rativa

Justin Beaver Survivor: Virtual Reality Tools for Education

Business Ready / Startup

The challenge

Is modern education still being boring? Are Innovation tools available for education that teach to our children’s values, curiosity and be good citizens with a high level of climate change awareness? Before to be PhD student, I was a technology teacher in secondary education. I am shocked by how limited tools are available for teachers and children to teach about Climate Change and Global Warming. Teachers sometimes have only a blackboard, a computer, a digital board, and mobiles in their classroom, but they really can't transport students to virtual worlds that show impact to have animals about climate changes. Climate change is not only suffered by humans but is also impacted by animals. NEW OPORTUNITIES I am a researcher and developed virtual reality simulations about virtual animals, but I am shocked that limited schools do not use virtual reality for their lectures and classes yet in 21st Century. The price of a virtual reality glasses has been reduced considerably and is accessible for many Schools. EDUCATION PROBLEM One of the big problems is the lack of content in virtual reality specialized in education that enhances curiosity, values and is experiential about climate changes problems. On the other hand, teachers lack training in using technological resources such as virtual reality or augmented reality. OTHER PLATFORM PROBLEM On the other hand, in one of the big platforms for the sale of Quest 2 virtual reality glasses, it is estimated that there are 5 million users, where more than 2 million users have the profile of being parents. Parents want to spend time with their children through virtual reality glasses, but the amount of educational and family-friendly content has been reported to be very limited in this channel.

The solution

Changes in climate and human intervention leave animal species with four options: adapt, leave, lose their freedom by domestication, or die. Simple! Our company will start with a virtual reality product that allows children or parents to experience what it would be like to be a beaver. This beaver can live the four seasons of the year and experience sudden changes in temperature and water. There will also be stimulation to foster empathy where users will have to help other animals suffering from climate change. A beaver is the world symbol of engineering in nature, and we will allow users to reflect on how difficult it is to survive when they cannot control the natural conditions. Likewise, the Dutch society has been considered one of the most excellent dikes engineering, and they do the best water control in their country. Let us take the children and parents to live this experience closer, and they can feel to be engineer's nature for a day. Our virtual movie is called Justin Beaver Survivor, and I invite you to watch and support it 🧡 Join our mission: www.justinbeaver.nl

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