Team info
The challenge
It's mostly an unmet need. students like contact and students like to network. Also students can have great bondings with the students of their house. Meeting new houses close to your own house can help feeling comfortable in the neighborhood. Therefore unique longterm relationships between houses can arise. Next to that: houses have an identity and it's interesting if houses are able to express their identity for a lot of reasons. Also meeting houses from other cities can provide great friendships, experiences and memories.
The solution
It will be a platform for student houses to connect via swiping (liking vs. not liking) a particular student house. After the connection the houses can plan to do a house drink. For example at home, or at a festival or just in the park close to both. The student houses can pimp their page with all different things, like pictures, video's, posts etc. after a meetup the houses are able to review each other to gain a good reputation. Finally, there are also opportunities to ask questions to the network, for example to borrow a ladder or a electric drill.