Team info
The challenge
The problem that we are addressing is the poor approach to educate citizens with regards to the correct process of recycling. This process might put people in distress, due to the fact that recycling and waste collection are handled locally by municipalities, therefore the rules might differ from city to city or even neighborhood to neighborhood. Moreover, citizens risk getting fined in the event that recycling is not done correctly. This creates confusion and irritation and using positive reinforcements such as fines will not incentivize people to be more aware of what and how they recycle.
The solution
The solution that we propose is called Ecocentiv. Ecocentiv is a project aimed to educate, inform, and socially incentivize people to correctly recycle. This project entails placing QR codes on the recycling bins in the city. Every time people access the QR code they will be sent to the Ecocentiv app where they will be able to take a photo of the recycled waste, be told where to correctly dispose of it, and get points for it. Once they reach a certain number of points, they would have access to discount coupons at certain stores for environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, the points will be registered in a ranking system that would allow recycling to become a fun, social activity.